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Whoops... what have we gone and done now?!

Posted Feb. 23, 2016, 1:53 p.m.
Written by Tracey Hall

Some people think we are mad, some think we are impulsive….we do talk, mull things over, consider, make plans andthen they grow arms and legs!

We would not describe ourselves as sensible but then again we are definitely not reckless. We are not huge risk takers but we are not sensible and safe.

We take calculated risks!

Sitting on the sofa on Sunday night, barely able to keep our eyes open. In front of the wood burning sofa, cheeks rosy from the harsh winds of the day, physically and mentally exhausted….we looked at each other and both said wide eyed, slightly startled….

“what have we gone and done!?!? ”

Followed by huge amounts of laughter!!

We had just purchased and delivered safely to our farm in Surrey, 13 Highland Cattle; 7 cows and 6 calfs with the added bonus of all the cows being pregnant! So much for our initial conversation a week prior of “wouldn’t it be nice to get two highland cattle to look pretty in our field with the log cabin on an island (another wouldn’t it be nice stories for another day!)

Instead we are now the proud owners of what is technically known as “a fold” of Highland Cattle.

Oh what a steep learning curve I am on now!! Wild and untrained….help!